Wednesday, 20 April 2016

I Cairn't Think Of A Title But Look At All These Waterfalls (and cows)

Whenever a prudential salesperson approaches me and then lies about how long they'll take despite me specifically telling them that I have places to be or am in kind of a rush, I give them a fake number. The other day I was wondering if there was this poor soul who I had essentially doomed to  prudential people constantly calling about savings plans so I googled the number and it was a number in Australia.

Which is cool! Because I am in Australia!

Hell yeah!!

Me and my mom flew to Cairns and it's like the third or fourth day now but wifi here is Not Great and also I am Extremely Lazy so everything will likely be posted later, if they go up at all. (I never finished the europe posts. Lmao. Although I am not surprised due to How I Am As A Person).

Our flight landed at about 5ish on the 15th and the next day was just groceries and stuff. On the 17th tho, we went on a drive down from cairns to Atherton to look at wATERFALLS and stuff. There's this thing called the waterfall circuit in the more south area but we decided to make a few other stops along the way.

  • I was really excited about water falls for some reason 
Atherton's like an hour and a half down from Cairns so there was a fair bit of driving and pretty windy roads sometimes because mountains and whatever

  • Surprisingly!!!! Didn't get car sick.
    • Hell yeah. 
  • Also, nice scenery.
I READ A MAP AND STUFF but mainly relied on gps lmao

Heale's Outlook (or something) 
classic cow
a lot of potential steak
Other attempts of taking photos of cows
The first stop we made was at the Curtain Fig Tree. Which TURNS OUT is this asshole tree that germinated o this other tree and killed it causing it to fall on to this other tree that was probably all like 'wtf' and the Asshole Tree's roots just continued to grow downwards and made a curtain.

v tall asshole tree
!!! horses
Also there were chickens. Just like. Chilling. 
Once we decided we had sufficiently beheld the Curtain Fig Tree, we drove down to Malanda for the first waterfall 
My mom was underwhelmed
There was this platypus viewing thing that was on the way to Millaa Millaa falls so we made a stop there because platypus (platypi??) are cUTE as hECK. Rules were as followed: 
  • Keep talking so they know you're not trying to hide 
  • No umbrellas because they may think it's a bird 
  • Don't talk loudly or move suddenly because that may scare them 
We kept thinking this turtle popping up was a platypus
Got a lot of platypus butt photos 
Millaa Millaa Falls is the first waterfall on the waterfall circuit and apparently like the ''''posterboy waterfall''' of Athertons 

*tries to strategically take photo so that people swimming at the bottom aren't in it*
*Somehow cannot manage that* 
The next two falls were Zillie and Elinjaa. We couldn't find any other vantage point of Zillie but Elinjaa was gr8. 

Zillie Falls
Not a very good photo of Zillie Falls

That part before the falls where cartoon characters try to furiously peddle back to safety
It's the IKEA dragon!

@myface y r u doing that
Ur socks sir
We intended to see Mungalli and Josephine but we kinda missed the turning for both of those stops. So. Also time constraints. 
  • We did see like a miLLION creeks tho. There are a lot of creeks 
  • Also some other random road stuff 
    • Frog on Banana
    • Giant Fish 
    • Murdering Sign Board.